
MTG Proxies & Card Dimensions: Essential Quick Guide

Magic: The Gathering (MTG) has captivated players worldwide with its strategic gameplay and intricate card designs. As enthusiasts look to expand their collections or play casually without the hefty price tag, the concept of MTG proxies becomes increasingly popular. 

Whether you’re looking to print MTG proxy cards for personal use or simply curious about the dimensions that define these iconic cards, this article delves into the specifics of MTG card sizes. Moreover, we also explore the role of proxies in the gaming community.

The Standard Size of Magic: The Gathering Cards

At the heart of Magic: The Gathering’s global appeal is complex strategy and fantasy lore. However, it is also the tangible element of the game: the cards themselves. 

Each MTG card measures precisely 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches (63.5 mm by 88.9 mm). A size was carefully chosen to balance readability, portability, and ease of handling. 

This consistency is crucial for gameplay. It ensures that cards from different sets and editions can be shuffled and played together seamlessly. For those in the community who venture into printing MTG proxy cards, adhering to these dimensions is essential to mimic the look and feel of genuine cards, preserving the game’s integrity during play.

The Role of MTG Proxies in the Gaming Community

MTG proxies serve multiple functions within the community. They are often used for playtesting. Additionally, they allow players to simulate games with cards they do not own or are considering purchasing. 

This is particularly valuable in competitive play, where understanding how a deck performs against a wide range of opponents is crucial. Proxies also play a role in casual play environments, where the focus is on creativity and fun rather than strict adherence to official card ownership.

The creation and use of MTG proxies touch on important aspects of game accessibility. By allowing players to experience the game without the barrier of high card prices. Furthermore, proxies can democratize access to the full breadth of gameplay experiences MTG offers. 

MTG Proxies

How to Print MTG Proxy Cards?

The art of printing MTG proxies involves creating high-quality replicas. It maintains the game’s integrity while ensuring they are distinguishable from genuine cards. Here’s a brief guide:

  • Image Selection: Choose a high-resolution image of the card you wish to proxy. There are several online databases and tools designed for this purpose.
  • Sizing: Ensure the image is resized to the standard MTG card dimensions (2.5 x 3.5 inches). Accuracy here is key to ensuring your proxy feels right during play.
  • Printing: Use a high-quality printer and cardstock that closely matches the thickness and texture of real MTG cards. Some players prefer to print the proxy image on paper and then affix it to a common card or a blank cardstock for added authenticity.
  • Cutting: Carefully cut out the proxy card, paying close attention to maintaining the correct size and smooth edges.
  • Sleeving: Always sleeve your proxy cards. Not only does this protect them, but it also helps them blend in with genuine cards during play.

Ethical Considerations and Community Perspective

While printing proxies is a common practice within the MTG community, it’s crucial to approach this with respect for the game’s creators and the legal boundaries.

Proxies should never be sold or passed off as genuine cards, as this undermines the integrity of the game and violates copyright laws. The community generally accepts proxies for personal use, especially in casual settings, where the focus is on enjoying the game rather than the monetary value of the cards.

MTG Proxies: Balancing Ethics and Accessibility

The use of MTG proxies raises ethical considerations. While Wizards of the Coast allows proxies in some casual and playtesting scenarios, the company strictly prohibits their use in sanctioned events. 

The distinction between proxies used for personal enjoyment and counterfeit cards intended to deceive buyers is significant. Ethical use of proxies respects the creator’s rights and the game’s economy, avoiding any actions that could harm the value of genuine cards or the overall player experience.

Community acceptance of proxies varies, with some playgroups welcoming their use for casual games and others preferring only official cards. Communication and consent among players are key to ensuring a positive gameplay experience when proxies are involved.


What is the standard size of Magic: The Gathering cards?

Magic: The Gathering cards have a standard size of approximately 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches (63.5 mm by 88.9 mm). This uniform size ensures consistency in gameplay, handling, and shuffling.

Why do people use MTG proxies?

People use MTG proxies for various reasons, including playtesting new decks without the need to purchase expensive cards, replacing lost or damaged cards, and making the game more accessible to players who cannot afford the high costs of some original cards.

Are MTG proxies legal in official tournaments?

No, MTG proxies are not legal in official tournament play. The use of proxies is typically limited to casual play among friends or playtesting within private groups. Official tournaments require genuine Magic: The Gathering cards.


The world of Magic: The Gathering is vast, encompassing not only the strategic depth of the game but also a vibrant community of players. MTG proxies, when used responsibly, offer a way to explore new decks and strategies without financial burden, making the game more accessible and enjoyable for a wider audience. 

However, the use of proxies comes with the responsibility to honor the game’s integrity and the creative work behind each card.

As we delve deeper into MTG proxies and the specifics of card sizes, it’s clear that these aspects of the game are not just about the physical cards themselves but about fostering an inclusive, respectful, and engaged community of players.

The Gathering lies in the shared experience it offers, transcending the mere dimensions of its cards.

For more details Visit: Mtgproxy


MTG Proxies & Deck Tracking: Why It’s Essential in MTG Arena

In Magic: The Gathering Arena (MTG Arena), strategic play and deck management are paramount. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran aiming for the top ranks or a newcomer eager to learn the ropes, the right tools can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. 

One such indispensable tool is a deck tracker. But why is it so crucial? And how do MTG proxies play into this? Let’s delve into why a deck tracker is an essential addition to your MTG Arena toolkit.

Enhanced Strategic Play

A deck tracker shows you which cards are still in your deck and which have already been played. This gives you a real-time overview of your deck. Strategic planning and decision-making are made possible by this instant access to vital information. 

This improves your ability to predict future actions and comprehend your drawing odds. Understanding MTG proxies can help you anticipate the game’s flow. Moreover, it can also modify your strategy at any time. Proxy cards are just representations of your real cards.

Learning and Improvement

For both new players and those looking to refine their skills, a deck tracker is a learning tool. You can determine your play style’s strengths and weaknesses by evaluating the performance of your deck. 

It also comprehends the interactions between various cards. With the use of the MTG proxies tracker, you can experiment with various deck configurations without requiring actual cards. This leads to a more thorough comprehension of card synergies and game mechanics.

Efficient Deck Management

Managing a deck in MTG Arena can be a daunting task, especially with the constantly evolving meta and the introduction of new cards. A deck tracker simplifies this process by keeping a detailed record of your deck’s performance over time. 

This data, combined with the ability to test out MTG proxies within your tracker, means you can make informed decisions about which cards to include or exclude, optimizing your deck for better performance against a variety of opponents.


Understanding the meta, or the current competitive landscape, is crucial for success in MTG Arena. A deck tracker provides insights into which decks you frequently encounter, which strategies are proving most effective, and how your deck stacks up against the competition.

The use of MTG proxies in this context allows for rapid testing and adaptation to the meta, ensuring your deck remains competitive.

Community and Sharing

Finally, a deck tracker fosters a sense of community among MTG Arena players. Many trackers allow you to share your decks and performance stats, enabling discussions, feedback, and tips from other players. 

This collaborative environment is supported by MTG proxies for theory-crafting and deck building, enhancing the overall MTG Arena experience. This makes it more engaging and enjoyable for everyone involved.


What is the best Mtga tracker? 

The best MTGA tracker often varies based on user preference and needs, but MTG Arena Tool and Untapped. gg are widely regarded as top choices for their comprehensive features, including deck tracking, match history, and statistical analysis.

How do you make a good deck in MTG Arena? 

To make a good deck in MTG Arena, focus on a clear strategy, maintain a balanced mix of card types (creatures, spells, lands), ensure your deck is tuned against the current meta, and practice regularly to refine your deck based on performance.

What is the prize money for the Magic Arena? 

The prize money for Magic Arena events can vary widely, from small daily rewards to large sums in competitive tournaments. High-stakes tournaments like the Mythic Championships can offer prize pools in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Is MTG Arena competitive? 

Yes, MTG Arena is highly competitive, featuring a range of competitive formats from casual play to ranked matches and high-level tournaments, catering to both new players and seasoned professionals.

Conclusion (MTG Proxies & Deck Tracking)

In conclusion, a deck tracker is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to enhance their MTG Arena experience. From improving strategic play to facilitating deck management and meta-analysis, the benefits are undeniable. 

The role of MTG proxies within this ecosystem cannot be understated, allowing players to experiment, learn, and adapt in a virtual environment. If you’re serious about elevating your MTG Arena game, integrating a deck tracker into your play routine is a step you won’t regret taking.

For more Details Visit: Mtgproxy


Ultimate Guide: MTG Proxy Cards Mastery

Magic: The Gathering Arena (MTG Arena) offers a digital playground for fans of the renowned card game. It’s where strategy, skill, and a bit of luck come together. For newcomers and seasoned players alike, understanding the ranking system is crucial to mastering the game. Additionally, the concept of “MTG proxy cards” can play a surprising role in your journey. 

This guide will demystify the ranking system and explore how MTG proxies can indirectly influence your gameplay experience.

What is the MTG Arena Ranking System?

MTG Arena is a competitive ladder system for players of similar skill levels. As you embark on your journey, you might wonder how to navigate this landscape effectively. It is essential to grasp the foundation before diving into strategies and gameplay,

MTG Arena’s ranking system for players ensures fair and challenging gameplay. As you embark on your quest through the ranks, familiarizing yourself with terms like “Bronze,” “Silver,” “Gold,” and beyond is crucial. Each rank not only represents your progress but also unlocks rewards that enhance your playing experience.

How MTG Proxies Can Enhance Your Strategic Play?

Incorporating MTG proxies into your preparation can significantly impact your performance in MTG Arena. By printing MTG proxy cards, players can experiment with various strategies and deck compositions without the immediate need to acquire rare or expensive cards. This approach enables a deeper understanding of game mechanics and meta-game shifts, essential for climbing the ranks.

The Structure of the Ranking System

MTGA’s ranking system has six primary ranks: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and the illustrious Mythic. Each rank, barring Mythic, is further divided into four tiers, with Tier 4 being the entry point and Tier 1 the pinnacle before ascending to the next rank​​​​.

Climbing the Ranks

Progression is fundamentally tied to winning matches. Wins propel you forward through the tiers and ranks, with each victory inching you closer to the next milestone.

We tailor progression specifics, like steps gained or lost per win or loss, to your chosen format: Constructed or Limited.

The Mythic Milestone

Reaching Mythic rank is a feat of considerable note, placing you among the top echelon of MTGA players. This rank does away with the tier system, instead adopting a percentage to reflect your standing among fellow Mythic rank holders. Surpassing 100% unveils your exact position within the top 1200 players, a critical metric for those aiming for the top​​.

Rewards Await

End-of-season rewards sweeten the climb, with each rank offering its own set of rewards, including booster packs, gold, and exclusive card styles. The higher you climb, the richer the rewards. This system incentivizes continuous play and improvement across the game’s monthly seasons​​​​.

Strategy for Success

The key to ascending the ranks is not just frequent play but smart play. Adapting strategies, understanding the meta, and learning from losses are pivotal. Additionally, the choice between Standard and Traditional Standard formats can influence the efficiency of your climb, especially as you approach the higher ranks​​​​.

Magic Arena’s Ranking System Unveiled

Embarking on a journey through the fantastical world of Magic: The Gathering Arena (MTGA) is akin to delving into a deep, enchanted forest filled with challenges, victories, and the pursuit of mastery. At the heart of this mystical voyage is the ranking system, a meticulously crafted ladder that players climb, battling with wit, strategy, and a dash of luck. Here’s an engaging exploration of the ranks within MTGA and insights into navigating this competitive landscape.

The Magical Hierarchy: Ranks Explained

Bronze to Mythic: MTGA’s pathway to glory comprises six main ranks: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and the coveted Mythic. Each rank, excluding Mythic, contains four tiers, providing a structured progression from novice to master.

Climbing this ladder is a testament to a player’s evolving skill, strategy, and dedication to the game​​​​.

Ascending the Ranks: Victory is Key

The essence of progression lies in triumph. Each match won propels a player forward, potentially inching them closer to the next tier or rank. The climb varies depending on whether one engages in Constructed or Limited formats, with each victory or defeat affecting the journey differently.

The dynamic system ensures that players face opponents of similar skill levels, allowing them to refine their abilities with each duel.

The Apex of Achievement: Mythic Rank

Reaching Mythic rank is akin to attaining legendary status within the MTG Proxy Cards Mastery community. This pinnacle of competitive play dispenses with the tier system, instead using a percentage to gauge a player’s standing among the elite. Breaking past 100% reveals one’s precise rank among the top 1200 players, a goal that many aspire to but few achieve​​.

The Spoils of War: Rewards Galore

The end of each season brings with it a treasure trove of rewards, with the bounty growing richer the higher one climbs. From booster packs to gold and exclusive card styles, these rewards serve as both a testament to one’s achievements and a beacon motivating further ascent. The system is designed to reward perseverance, strategy, and continuous improvement across the game’s seasons​​​​.

Strategies for Success

The key to conquering the MTGA ranks isn’t solely in the number of matches played but in the mastery of the game. Adapting strategies to counter opponents, staying abreast of the ever-evolving meta, and learning from each defeat are essential components of a successful climb. Opting between Standard and Traditional Standard formats can also influence the efficiency of one’s ascent, especially in the higher echelons​​​​.

Tips for Climbing the MTG Proxy Cards Magic Arena Ladder

  • Understand the Meta: Knowing the current meta is crucial. This involves understanding which decks are performing well and how they interact with others.
  • Deck Experimentation: Use the digital platform to test different decks, similar to how one might use MTG proxies in physical play. This will help you understand a wide range of strategies and matchups.
  • Learn from Losses: Each loss is an opportunity to learn. Analyze your games to understand.


How do I start climbing the ranks in Magic Arena?

Begin by playing in Ranked mode with a constructed deck. As you win matches, you’ll earn progress towards the next rank. Focus on improving your deck and strategy as you go.

What happens if I lose a match in Ranked play?

Losing a match may result in losing progress within your current rank, but you cannot fall below your current tier (e.g., if you’re Gold Tier 3, you won’t drop to Silver Tier 1 from losses).

How are rewards determined in the ranking system?

 Rewards are based on your highest achieved rank during the season. They typically include card packs, individual cards, and gold. The higher your rank, the better the rewards.

Can I lose my rank once I’ve achieved it?

Within a season, you can’t drop from one major rank to another (e.g., from Gold to Silver) due to losses. However, ranks reset at the start of each new season, where you’ll begin slightly below your previous season’s rank.


Concluding, Ultimate Guide: MTG Proxy Cards Mastery, designed with both novice and seasoned players in mind, operates on a tiered structure that reflects a player’s skill and progress within the game. 

This system not only incentivizes gameplay improvement through its tiered ranks and seasonal rewards but also fosters a competitive environment that remains accessible to players of all levels. From Bronze to Mythic, each rank serves as a milestone, marking a player’s journey and achievements in the game. 

Whether you’re a newcomer aiming for your first promotion or a veteran striving for the top percentile in Mythic rank, the MTG Proxy Cards Mastery ranking system offers a clear, rewarding path forward. In essence, it demystifies the competitive landscape, making it an integral part of the game’s allure and its community’s ongoing engagement.

For more Details: Mtgproxy


MTG Proxy Cards: Lord of the Rings

Magic: The Gathering (MTG) has once again captivated its audience by venturing into legendary lands of Middle-earth, MTG Proxy Cards: Lord of the Rings.

This thrilling expansion introduces beloved characters. Lore to the MTG universe while offering must-have cards bound to enchant players and collectors alike.

Whether you’re aiming to print MTG proxies to test your deck strategies. Or simply looking to enhance your collection with these iconic pieces. This guide will unveil the treasures of Middle Earth you won’t want to miss.

Top Picks from MTG Proxy Cards Tales of Middle-earth

Gandalf, White Rider: A Symbol of Hope and Strategy

Gandalf’s transformation into the White Rider is a pivotal moment in the Lord of the Rings saga, symbolizing hope and renewal. His card captures this essence. Offering players, not just a powerful ally on the battlefield but also a strategic tool that mirrors his narrative role. Gandalf, a White Rider, can provide players with flexibility and support. His literary counterpart, guided his allies through the darkest times. His presence in a deck can turn the tide of a game, embodying the wizard’s knack for arriving precisely. When he means, to impact the game’s outcome significantly.

Sauron, Lord of the Rings: A Formidable Adversary

Sauron’s card is the embodiment of the overarching threat he poses in Tolkien’s universe. With abilities that mirror his desire for dominion and control. This card can dominate the playfield, reflecting Sauron’s power and the fear he instills. His inclusion in a deck brings not only a thematic depth, aligning with the narratives of Middle-earth. But also a level of strategic depth. Players wielding Sauron must balance the immense power. He offers the inherent risks of summoning such a potent force, mirroring the narrative’s themes of power and corruption.

Moria Marauder: Enhancing Goblin Decks

The Moria Marauder’s design is a nod to the swarming, relentless nature of goblins in the Lord of the Rings lore. It enhances Goblin decks by offering card advantages through combat, encouraging aggressive gameplay that mirrors the goblins’ overwhelming assault tactics. 

This card’s ability to potentially draw additional cards through combat damage can accelerate a player’s strategy, making it a critical component of Goblin-themed decks. Its thematic and strategic relevance adds a layer of depth to the gameplay, allowing players to immerse themselves in the world of Middle-earth while leveraging tactical advantages.

Delighted Halfling: Versatile Mana Dork

Delighted Halfling’s utility in generating mana and protecting legendary spells from being countered captures the resilience and resourcefulness of Halflings. This card is invaluable in decks that rely on legendary spells, offering a blend of thematic fidelity and strategic versatility. Its ability to generate colored mana for casting legendary spells and protect those spells from counters represents the Halflings’ subtle but significant impact on the broader narrative, providing players with a tool that is both narratively rich and strategically potent.

Thematic Richness and Strategic Gameplay

“MTG Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth” excels in weaving the rich tapestry of Tolkien’s universe into the strategic gameplay of Magic: The Gathering. Each card is meticulously designed to reflect the characteristics, abilities, and narratives of its counterpart in the Lord of the Rings saga, offering players not just a game but an experience.

The set introduces new mechanics and strategies that enrich the game, allowing players to explore Middle-earth’s stories through play. This blend of thematic depth and strategic complexity ensures that both fans of the lore and competitive players can find enjoyment and challenge in the “Tales of Middle-earth” set.


What are the MTG Proxy Cards: The Gathering’s Middle-earth set?

Look for cards with unique abilities, powerful combos, or iconic Middle-earth characters that match your play style and collection goals.

How do I start collecting Middle-earth MTG proxy cards?

Begin by purchasing starter decks, booster packs, or specific singles from the set at local game stores, online retailers, or MTG events.

Why are Middle-earth cards must-haves?

They blend MTG gameplay with Middle-earth lore, offering new strategies and themes that enrich the game and collection value.

Where can I find Middle-earth cards?

Available at local game stores, online marketplaces, official retailers, and through secondary markets for specific needs.


MTG Proxy Cards: Lord of the Rings is a testament to the enduring legacy of Tolkien’s work and its seamless integration into the Magic: The Gathering universe. By seeking out these must-have cards or opting to print MTG proxy cards, players can immerse themselves in the adventures of Middle-earth like never before. 

Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the Lord of the Rings, an avid MTG player, or both, these cards are essential additions to your collection and gameplay. Embrace the spirit of Middle-earth and let the magic of MTG proxies bring your tales to life.

For more details Visit Mtgproxy


Cutting Costs: Print Proxy MTG Solutions

Print Proxy MTG Magic: The Gathering (MTG) stands as a testament to strategic depth and complexity. Offering players a myriad of ways to outwit opponents in the modern format.

Among the pantheon of deck archetypes, the UR Delver deck shines as a beacon of agility and precision. Demanding both skill and a considerable investment. Let’s delve into the components and strategies that elevate this deck to its prestigious standing. Justifying a price tag that can soar between $3550 and $4600.

Print proxy MTG: The Deck’s Components

A typical Modern Delver decklist includes a mix of creature, instant, sorcery, land, and sometimes enchantment cards. The deck aims to control the game early with threats like “Delver of Secrets”. Support these threats with a variety of spells capable of disrupting the opponent’s strategy. Key components often include:

  • High-Value Lands: Lands that can produce multiple colors of mana without entering the battlefield are crucial for a deck running multiple colors.
  • Efficient Removal and Counter Spells: To protect its threats and maintain board control. The deck includes a selection of the most effective removal and counterspells available in the Modern format.
  • Fast and Resilient Creatures: Besides “Delver of Secrets,” the deck uses other creatures that offer high value for their mana cost and can apply pressure early in the game.

The Core Arsenal: Creatures and Spells

At the heart of the UR Delver deck lies a carefully selected battalion of creatures, spearheaded by:

  • 4 Delver of Secrets ($10-$15 each): A swift threat that can quickly become a flying behemoth.
  • 4 Young Pyromancer ($25-$40 each): Turns every spell into a potential army.
  • 4 Tarmogoyf ($200-$350 each): A stalwart that grows with the game’s progression.
  • 2 Gurmag Angler ($10-$15 each): A formidable force capable of turning the tide.

Complementing these creatures is an arsenal of spells designed to disrupt and dismantle:

  • 4 Lightning Bolt, 4 Daze, 4 Force of Will, 4 Spell Pierce. A suite of offensive and defensive tools to maintain control.
  • 2 Fatal Push, 2 Spell Snare, 2 Cryptic Command: Additional layers of interaction and control.

The Battlefield: Lands

The deck’s mana base is a tapestry of efficiency and versatility, featuring:

  • Polluted Delta, Flooded Strand, Misty Rainforest, Scalding Tarn: Ensures the right mana is always at hand.
  • 2 Volcanic Island, 1 Tropical Island: Key to casting the most impactful spells without delay.
  • 1 Island, 1 Mountain: Basic lands that round out the mana base, immune to nonbasic land hate.

The Sideboard: Strategic Flexibility

The sideboard is a toolbox designed to adapt and overcome any strategy:

  • Blood Moon, Surgical Extraction, Abrade, Dismember: Offers solutions to a wide range of threats.
  • Negate, Flusterstorm: Counterspells that can swing pivotal moments in your favor.
  • Pyroclasm, Izzet Staticaster: Clears the board of smaller threats, maintaining control of the game state.

The Investment: A Closer Look at Costs

The UR Delver deck’s price is a reflection of its power and the scarcity of its components. With key lands like Volcanic Island and Tropical Island reaching between $500 and $800, and essential creatures and spells accumulating a significant portion of the budget, the investment speaks to the deck’s competitive edge. Yet, the fluctuating market means savvy players must stay informed to optimize their expenditures.

The Implications of High Deck Costs

The $4000 price tag for a competitive Modern Delver deck highlights a broader discussion within the MTG community about the accessibility of competitive play. High costs can gatekeep players with limited financial resources from participating in tournaments or achieving their full potential within the game. 

This situation has led to discussions about the role of proxy cards in casual play and even some competitive circles, where players use replicas of expensive cards to level the playing field.


The cost of a top-rated Modern Delver deck in Magic: The Gathering underscores the game’s competitive depth and the investment players are willing to make to perform at the highest levels. 

While the price point may seem prohibitive, it reflects the value placed on strategy, skill, and the prestige of competing with the best. 

As the community continues to grow and evolve, the discussion around affordability and accessibility remains crucial to ensuring that Print Proxy MTG remains a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players.

For More Details visit: Mtgproxy


Navigating Plateaus in the MTG Proxy World

In the vast and diverse universe of MTG Proxy Magic: The Gathering, few landscapes command. As much awe and respect as the Plane of Plateau. This land, characterized by its towering mountains and steep valleys, presents an environment where only the most robust can thrive.

This article delves into Navigating Plateaus in the MTG Proxy World and their acceptance within the community. How they’ve shaped the game’s landscape.

The Inhabitants of Plateaus

Plateau is home to a wide array of creatures that have adapted to its severe conditions. From the agile goats navigating the precarious mountain ledges to the majestic eagles soaring above the peaks. Life here is a testament to resilience. Among its more formidable residents are the mighty snow leopards. The awe-inspiring dragons, alongside malevolent spirits, roam the icy expanses.

A particularly noteworthy aspect of Plateau’s populace is the dwarves. Known for their hardiness and resilience, these beings have not only survived but thrived, mastering the art of craftsmanship and warfare in the face of adversity. Their settlements, carved from the mountains themselves, stand as a stark reminder of what determination and skill can achieve in such an unforgiving environment.

The Lure of Plateaus In the MTG Proxy:

Despite its many dangers, the Plateaus is a land rich in opportunity. It beckons the brave with the promise of powerful artifacts and ancient relics, hidden amongst its craggy landscapes. Adventurers and treasure hunters are drawn to its promise of diamonds, gold, and other rare resources, though such riches are guarded by the plane’s perilous terrain and fierce inhabitants.

The path to wealth in Plateau is fraught with challenges. Only the most cunning and powerful warriors can hope to navigate its dangers successfully. The landscape itself poses a formidable opponent, with treacherous paths and unpredictable weather. Yet, for those with the strength and wit to overcome these obstacles, the rewards can be beyond imagining.

Life on the Edge

For the residents of Plateau, existence is a constant battle for survival. The law of the land is simple: the strong prevail. In this stark realm, the struggle for supremacy is relentless, with each day bringing new challenges to overcome.

Yet, it is this very struggle that forges the spirit of Plateau’s inhabitants. The dwarves, in particular, embody the indomitable will to persevere, their culture and achievements a beacon of hope in a land where hope is a rare commodity.

The Future MTG Proxy:

As the game continues to evolve, so too will the role of proxies in the MTG world. Technological advancements and community initiatives could lead to new forms of proxy creation that respect copyright while enhancing accessibility. 

Dialogue between players, creators, and Wizards of the Coast is essential to navigate the ethical nuances and legalities of proxy use, ensuring the game’s integrity and inclusivity remain intact.


Plateau, with its harsh landscapes and formidable challenges, holds a unique place in the Magic: The Gathering universe. It represents the ultimate test of resilience and strength, offering unmatched rewards to those daring enough to confront its dangers.

For adventurers and denizens alike, Plateau is not just a place of survival but a land of endless possibilities, where the quest for power and riches never ends. In the world of Magic: The Gathering, Plateaus stands as a testament to the enduring allure of the untamed and the wild, a realm where only the most determined can claim victory.

For more Details Visit: mtgproxy


Mastering Magic: Winning with MTG Proxy Cards

In the world of Magic: The Gathering (MTG), a strategic and competitive card game, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gain an edge over their opponents. One approach that has gained popularity is the use of MTG proxy cards.

These proxies serve as stand-ins for actual cards, allowing players to test and refine strategies without investing in expensive cards upfront. 

This article delves into how leveraging MTG proxy cards can significantly enhance your gameplay and increase your win rates.

Understanding MTG Proxy Cards:

MTG proxy cards are replicas of existing Magic cards, typically used as substitutes for expensive or hard-to-find cards. While some players frown upon their use in official tournaments, they can be invaluable tools for casual play and practice matches. By utilizing proxy cards, you can experiment with different deck configurations without breaking the bank or compromising your strategy.

Utilizing MTG Proxy Cards for Strategic Advantage

MTG proxy cards allow players to test various deck configurations without the need to own every card. This is particularly beneficial for practicing against a wide array of decks or when considering the inclusion of expensive cards in your deck. Here’s how to use these proxies to your advantage:

  • Deck Testing: Before investing in costly cards, use proxies to test how well they fit into your deck. This approach ensures that your investments are sound and that the cards you purchase will genuinely enhance your gameplay.
  • Opponent Simulation: Use proxies to build copies of popular competitive decks. This practice enables you to play against a variety of strategies, honing your skills and preparing you for a range of opponents.
  • Flexibility and Experimentation: Proxies encourage experimentation with different strategies and card combinations. This flexibility can lead to discovering unique and powerful decks that can surprise and overpower your opponents.

Building a Strong Deck with Proxy Cards

A key component of winning at Magic: The Gathering is building a well-structured deck. Proxy cards play a crucial role in this process, allowing for the refinement of your deck through trial and error. Consider these tips when building your deck:

  • Balance Your Mana Curve: Use proxies to adjust the mana cost distribution of your deck. Ensuring you have a balanced curve is essential for maintaining a steady flow of actions throughout the game.
  • Incorporate Various Strategies: Test different types of decks, such as aggro, control, and combo, using proxies. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each strategy can significantly improve your gameplay.
  • Optimize Card Synergies: Experiment with card interactions and synergies using proxies. Discovering effective combos can be a game-changer in competitive play.

Adapting to Your Opponent’s Moves

Winning at MTG isn’t just about having a strong deck; it’s also about adapting to your opponent. MTG proxy cards can prepare you for a wide range of scenarios, making it easier to anticipate and counter your opponent’s strategies. Practice playing against different deck types and learn to adjust your tactics on the fly. Being versatile and able to pivot your strategy mid-game can often lead to victory.


What are proxy cards?

Replicas are used for practice, allowing players to test decks without needing original, often expensive cards.

Can I use MTG proxy cards in official tournaments?

No, they are not permitted in official tournaments, only in casual play and deck testing.

How can MTG proxy cards help me win?

They enable deck experimentation and strategic practice against various opponents, improving gameplay skills.

Where can I get MTG proxy cards?

You can make them at home or buy them online, intended for personal use in non-official settings.


In the realm of Magic: The Gathering, mastering the game requires skill, strategy, and a dash of ingenuity. By incorporating MTG proxy cards into your deck-building arsenal, you can explore new tactics, refine your strategy, and ultimately dominate your opponents on the battlefield. Embrace the power of proxy cards and unleash your full potential in every game you play. With the right combination of cards and cunning gameplay, victory is within your grasp.

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Gideon’s Legacy in Magic: Print Proxy MTG

In the realm of Print Proxy MTG cards to Magic: The Gathering (MTG), few characters have resonated with fans quite like Gideon Jura. As a stalwart defender of justice and a beacon of bravery, Gideon’s impact extends far beyond the battlefield. 

This article delves into how print proxy MTG cards have played a pivotal role. Keeping Gideon’s legacy vibrant within the community. These replicas not only celebrate his heroic deeds. But also enhance the gaming experience by making rare and iconic cards more accessible.

Gideon’s Journey in Print Proxy MTG:

Gideon’s lore is rich with heroic feats and selfless acts, making him one of the game’s most beloved Planeswalkers. From his early days in Theros to his ultimate sacrifice.

On Ravnica, Gideon’s journey is a testament to his unwavering spirit and commitment to the greater good. His cards, featuring abilities that protect others and control the battlefield, reflect his character’s strengths and virtues.

Print Proxy MTG Cards: Keeping the Legend Alive

Accessibility Through Proxies:

Print proxy MTG cards have become a crucial tool in keeping the spirit of characters like Gideon accessible to all players. These proxies allow fans to enjoy Gideon’s most iconic moments and abilities, even if the original cards are scarce or prohibitively expensive.

By providing high-quality reproductions, players can experience the thrill of summoning Gideon to the battlefield without breaking the bank.

The Role of Proxies in Gameplay:

Beyond accessibility, print proxy MTG cards also offer a unique opportunity for gameplay experimentation. Players can test different strategies and decks featuring Gideon without the initial investment required for rare cards. This fosters a more inclusive and experimental environment. Where the lore and legacy of Gideon can be appreciated in new and creative ways.

Collecting and Community Building:

Gideon’s print proxy MTG cards also serve as a focal point for community building. Collectors and enthusiasts gather to share their custom decks, artwork, and stories inspired by Gideon’s heroism. These communities reinforce the social aspect of MTG, celebrating the game’s rich lore and the connections it fosters among players.


What is Gideon’s Legacy in Magic: The Gathering?

Gideon’s Legacy refers to the lasting impact of the character Gideon Jura on the game’s lore, mechanics, and strategies.

How does Gideon’s Legacy affect gameplay?

Gideon’s Legacy influences gameplay by introducing powerful cards with unique abilities that shape deck-building decisions and strategic choices.

What are some notable Gideon cards from Magic: The Gathering?

Notable Gideon cards include “Gideon Jura,” “Gideon, Ally of Zendikar,” “Gideon of the Trials,” and “Gideon Blackblade.”

How can players utilize Gideon’s Legacy in their gameplay?

Players can utilize Gideon’s Legacy by incorporating Gideon cards into their decks and leveraging their abilities effectively during gameplay to gain an advantage.


Gideon’s legacy in Magic: The Gathering is a powerful reminder of the impact one character can have on a vast and diverse community. Print proxy MTG cards play a vital role in keeping this legacy alive, ensuring that Gideon’s story continues to inspire and unite players.

Whether you’re a seasoned Planeswalker or new to the MTG universe, the spirit of Gideon Jura is just a proxy away from joining your next adventure.

For Detail Visit: mtgproxy


Mtg Proxy Printing: A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Magic Cards

Are you looking for a way to spice up your Magic: The Gathering (MTG) gameplay without breaking the bank? Have you ever thought about using MTG proxies to expand your collection? Proxy cards are great alternatives to expensive or out-of-print cards that can make a significant impact on your game. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about MTG proxy printing, including custom magic cards, proxy formatters, and printing tips

mtg proxy cards

What are MTG Proxies?

MTG proxies are cards that mimic the design and functionality of official MTG cards but are not produced or authorized by Wizards of the Coast. Instead, they are created by players using various printing techniques, such as inkjet or laser printing, to replicate the card’s appearance. Proxy cards are often used in casual play or competitive tournaments where using a limited or expensive card is not practical or affordable.

Custom Magic Cards Printed

One of the primary reasons for using MTG proxies is to create custom magic cards that suit your play style or theme. You can design your cards using various tools, such as MTG Card Builder or Photoshop, and print them using a high-quality printer. However, it is crucial to ensure that your custom cards do not violate any copyright or intellectual property laws, as this can result in legal issues.

MTG Card Proxies

MTG card proxies are the most common type of proxy used in MTG gameplay. They are often created using high-quality card stock or paper and are designed to match the size and appearance of official MTG cards. MTG card proxies can be used to replace expensive or rare cards that are difficult to obtain or are out of print.

Best MTG Proxies

When it comes to selecting the best MTG proxies, there are several factors to consider. The quality of the print, the type of card stock used, and the accuracy of the card’s design are crucial elements to ensure that the proxy blends seamlessly with the rest of your collection. Some of the best MTG proxies are produced by professional printing services such as, which offers high-quality, customizable proxy cards that are perfect for casual or competitive play.

MTG Proxy Set

An MTG proxy set is a collection of proxy cards that mimic a particular MTG set or expansion. For example, you can create a proxy set for the popular Commander format or the iconic Urza’s Saga expansion. MTG proxy sets are a great way to expand your collection without breaking the bank, and they offer endless customization options to suit your play style or theme.

Proxy Formatter

A proxy formatter is a tool used to create and format proxy cards to ensure that they match the appearance and size of official MTG cards. Proxy formatters can be found online, such as the Blank Magic the Gathering Card Template, or as part of dedicated software, such as MTG Design Studio or MTG Editor. Using a proxy formatter can ensure that your custom cards blend seamlessly with the rest of your collection.

MTG Foil Proxy

MTG foil proxies are a type of proxy card that mimics the appearance of official foil MTG cards. They are often produced using high-quality metallic card stock or paper and can be an excellent addition to your collection. MTG foil proxies are perfect for casual or competitive play and offer a cost-effective alternative to official foil cards.

Proxy Card

A proxy card is any card that is not an official MTG card but is used to represent one during gameplay. Proxy cards can be printed on paper or card stock, and they are often created to replace expensive or rare cards. Proxy cards are widely accepted in casual play,

MTG Proxy Queen

MTG Proxy Queen is a popular online platform that offers a wide range of custom MTG proxies. They specialize in creating high-quality, customizable proxy cards that mimic the appearance of official MTG cards. MTG Proxy Queen offers a range of printing options, including foil, holographic, and full-art proxies, and they can create custom cards based on your specific design requirements. Review is a professional printing service that specializes in creating high-quality MTG proxies. They offer a wide range of customizable printing options, including card stock, foil, and holographic finishes, to create a seamless integration with your existing collection. Their proxies are known for their high-quality printing, accurate card design, and competitive pricing.


MTGCardBuilder is a popular online tool that allows you to create custom MTG cards. It offers a user-friendly interface that enables you to design your card using various editing tools, including images, text, and symbols. MTGCardBuilder allows you to print your cards using a high-quality printer or order them from professional printing services.

How to Print Proxy MTG Cards

Printing MTG proxies requires a few basic steps. First, you need to design your card using an online tool or software. Next, you need to format your card using a proxy formatter to ensure that it matches the size and appearance of official MTG cards. Once you have formatted your card, you can print it using a high-quality printer and card stock or order it from a professional printing service.


Are MTG proxies legal?

MTG proxies are not officially authorized by Wizards of the Coast, but they are widely accepted in casual play and some competitive tournaments. However, it is essential to ensure that your proxy cards do not violate any copyright or intellectual property laws.

Can I use MTG proxies in official tournaments?

The use of MTG proxies in official tournaments is at the discretion of the event organizer. Some tournaments may allow the use of proxies under certain conditions, while others may not.

Can I sell my MTG proxies?

The sale of MTG proxies is a gray area, as it may violate Wizards of the Coast’s intellectual property rights. However, selling proxies as part of a private collection or for personal use is generally accepted.

How do I ensure that my MTG proxies match the appearance of official cards?

To ensure that your MTG proxies match the appearance of official cards, you can use a proxy formatter or order them from a professional printing service that specializes in creating high-quality proxies.


MTG proxies offer an affordable and customizable way to expand your MTG collection and enhance your gameplay experience. With various printing techniques and customizable options available, creating your custom magic cards has never been easier. Whether you’re a casual or competitive player, incorporating MTG proxies into your gameplay can take your MTG experience to the next level.


Print MTG Proxies – A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Your Own Cards


Magic: The Gathering (MTG) is a popular trading card game that has been around for over 25 years. With thousands of unique cards available, players are constantly looking for new ways to enhance their decks and improve their gameplay. One way to do this is by Printing MTG Proxies, which are essentially replicas of existing cards.

In this article, we’ll show you how to print MTG proxies and create your own cards. We’ll cover everything from the materials you’ll need to the printing process itself, so you can create high-quality proxies that are virtually identical to the real thing.

What are MTG Proxies?

MTG proxies are replica cards that are created using digital images of existing cards. These proxies are often used by players who want to test out new deck ideas without having to purchase expensive cards. They can also be used in casual play, where players are less concerned with using only official cards.

Ashnods Altar

Why Print MTG Proxies?

Printing MTG proxies can be a cost-effective way to test out new deck ideas or play casually without worrying about damaging or losing valuable cards. It can also allow players to experiment with different cards and strategies that they might not be able to afford otherwise.

Materials Needed to Print MTG Proxies

To print MTG proxies, you’ll need a few basic materials:


    • A computer with image editing software (such as Photoshop or GIMP)

    • High-quality printer

    • Cardstock paper

    • Cutting tool (such as a paper cutter or scissors)

    • Double-sided tape

Choosing the Right Images

When creating MTG proxies, it’s important to choose high-quality images that accurately represent the original card. You can find these images online by searching for the card’s name and set number.

Editing the Images

Once you’ve found the images you want to use, you’ll need to edit them to make sure they’re the right size and have the correct color balance. You can use image editing software to adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation levels to ensure the best possible results.

Printing the Proxies

Setting Up Your Printer

Before printing your proxies, you’ll need to make sure your printer is set up correctly. This may involve adjusting the printer settings, such as paper type and print quality, to ensure the best possible results.

Printing the Images

Once your printer is set up, you can start printing the images onto cardstock paper. It’s important to print the images at the correct size and resolution to ensure they look as close to the original card as possible.

Cutting the Proxies

After the images are printed, you’ll need to cut them out using a cutting tool such as a paper cutter or scissors. It’s important to be as precise as possible when cutting the proxies to ensure they’re the correct size and shape.

Assembling the Proxies

Finally, you’ll need to assemble the proxies by using double-sided tape to attach the front and back of the cardstock together. This will create a card that looks and feels like a real MTG card.


Printing MTG proxies can be a fun and cost-effective way to enhance your gameplay and test out new deck ideas. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create high-quality proxies that are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. Remember to use high-quality images, adjust the color balance and contrast levels, and print the images at the correct size and resolution. With a little practice, you’ll be able to create custom proxies that are sure to impress your fellow players. So what are you waiting for? Print MTG proxies today and take your gameplay to the next level!


To ensure your proxies look like the original card, it’s important to use high-quality images and adjust the color balance, brightness, and contrast levels as needed. It’s also important to print the images at the correct size and resolution and to be precise when cutting and assembling the proxies.

No, MTG proxies are not legal to use in official tournaments. They are only intended for casual play or testing purposes.

It is illegal to sell MTG proxies that infringe on the copyrights and trademarks of the original cards. However, you may be able to sell proxies that are custom-designed and do not use any copyrighted material.